[摘要] LOL.AnElectronicsports.Sowhatistheelectronicsports?Electronicsports,abbreviatede-sports,isusedasageneraltermtodescribetheplayofvideogamesa

LOL. An Electronic sports. So what is the electronic sports? Electronic sports, abbreviated e-sports , is used as a general term to describe the play of video games as a professional sport * And the game is the easiest way to make coupies break up. That is an electronic games which most of girls are very strange to. 而且,这游戏是让恋人分手的最简单的方法 这是一个让大多数女生都很奇怪的游戏 That is a famous electronic games all over the wold and it is famous of the colleges and primary school in China. 这是一个在全世界都很流行的游戏,在中国的大学和小学很出名。 电子竞技,简称电竞,是作为一个通用的术语来描述视频游戏的游戏作为一个专业的体育运动。 各种电子竞技游戏充满了我们的生活,在今天,青少年玩游戏不只是为了娱乐,同时包含挑战,竞争心理 A variety of e-sports games filled to our life, in today, teenagers playing the game is not just in the entertainment for the purpose, at the same time contains the challenge, competition psychology E-sport is a kind of occupation, and other non electronic games like chess. The highest level of E-sports is WCG 电子竞技也是一种职业,和棋艺等非电子游戏比赛类似。电子竞技中的最高赛事是WCG 在中国,也有很多英雄联盟电竞选手,也有战队 In Chinese, also have a lot of LOL players, also have team. WE.LOL,他们是中国最强的英雄联盟战队之一,取得过TGA亚军、WCG2011中国赛区亚军、IEM6广州站冠军等成绩。 PE OMG IG 皇族 Now, introduce our own team--Yting 接下来是我们的战队展示,没兴趣的同学可以洗洗睡了 Fit丶夜舞(神秘嘉宾):主Carry 寂寞丶唱歌(衣晓阳):白银一大神 浅惜灬流年(我):我只看看,我不说话 Nica丶千江月(杨荣浩):偷塔专业户 余音灬Gren(张家琪):御用肉盾 我要打十个! Then。。。。。 叫你丫的浪,该! 但是很多人对电竞还抱有偏见,比如: But many people still have a bias against e-sport.Such as: 但是你们没看到他们付出的努力,为了取得好成绩,他们每天都要在电脑面前练习十个小时甚至更久 But you do not see their efforts,they have to do more and more exercise everyday in order to make great progress.Sometimes they spent ten or more hours on this. *
